A teoria antitruste no Brasil fundamentos e estado da arte

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Marina Moreira da Gama


The antitrust theory, used as the economic guide to analyze market concentration – mergers, acquisitions, and anticompetitive conducts, has been changed for the last few decades. The primary concern with market structure was replaced by the economic efficiency approach, balancing the potential adverse competitive effects of a merger transaction or a firm’s conduct against
its potential efficiencies. In Brazil, antitrust policy has aroused towards a new antitrust statute, Law 8.884 /94 and the creation of the national antitrust system. 


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How to Cite
Gama, M. M. da. (2025). A teoria antitruste no Brasil: fundamentos e estado da arte. Revista Do IBRAC, 12(4), 111–134. Retrieved from https://revista.ibrac.org.br/index.php/revista/article/view/522
Artigos para Revista do IBRAC
Author Biography

Marina Moreira da Gama

Doutoranda em economia pelo CEDEPLAR/ UFMG