Checklist of associative contracts figure how does Cade identify the common undertaking and the risk and result sharing criteria after 2017?

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Vívian Salomão Ianelli


The article aims to explore Cade’s jurisprudence about associative contracts based on Cade’s Resolution 17/2016, focusing on the analysis of the common enterprise undertaking and risk and result sharing criteria. The analysis gathered Cade’s decision in 82 cases from 2017 to 2022. Based on this data, the author obtained quantitative information about associative con tract cases such as the number of cases with the specific analysis of the before mentioned Resolution, the type of contracts usually notified to Cade and
the relationship between the analysis of both criteria targeted in this article within those decisions. It was also possible to elaborate qualitative analysis that culminated in a checklist for each of the criteria under discussion considering their main characteristics considered by Cade for the definition of their existence or not. The main conclusions were that there is no standard analysis by Cade of this criteria and most of the decision is kept restrict to the parties and the authority itself, which reduces legal certainty and the decision’s predictability


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How to Cite
Ianelli, V. S. (2023). Checklist of associative contracts figure: how does Cade identify the common undertaking and the risk and result sharing criteria after 2017?. Revista Do IBRAC, (2), 7–30. Retrieved from
Artigos para Revista do IBRAC
Author Biography

Vívian Salomão Ianelli

Advogada com atuação em Direito Concorrencial. Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade de Brasília (UnB) e mestranda na mesma instituição na área de direito concorrencial. Experiências prévias de estágio no CADE (durante a graduação) e na OCDE (durante a pós-graduação) em Paris. Artigos publicados sobre direito antitruste no livro III organizado pela Women in Antitrust (WIA), no volume V do livro Comércio Internacional e Concorrência organizado pela prof. Amanda Athayde e no livro Ideias em Competição 10 Anos do Prêmio IBRAC-TIM.


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