Market Share and Leadership Instability in Antitrust Analysis a Primer

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Marcos André Mattos de Lima
Marcelo Resende de Mendonça e Silva


The paper aims at outlining the main empirical approaches for assessing market share dynamics. Those embody distinct levels of detail and include generic stationary tests for relative market shares, broader leadership turnover indicators and yet leadership convergence assessments between specific firms in a given industry. The potential role of market share dynamics in competition policy is discussed and tentative guidelines are suggested.


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Cómo citar
Mattos de Lima, M. A., & Resende de Mendonça e Silva, M. (2023). Market Share and Leadership Instability in Antitrust Analysis: a Primer. Revista Do IBRAC, (1), 395–410. Recuperado a partir de
Prêmio IBRAC TIM 2024 categoria pós-graduação/profissional


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