O pulo do gato de Schrödinger mercados disruptivos em 5G e o papel do Cade

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Alessandro Guimarães Pereira


Like Schrödinger's cat paradox, antitrust analysis can run into contradictory and simultaneous situations. This paper discusses the
challenges for Cade in disruptive technology markets, notably with the imminent deployment of 5G technology in Brazil. How the new business models will change competitive dynamics and what impacts for antitrust analysis on such markets are the main topics discussed, given Cade's performance and prospects for a favorably uncertain future.


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How to Cite
Guimarães Pereira, A. (2023). O pulo do gato de Schrödinger: mercados disruptivos em 5G e o papel do Cade. Revista Do IBRAC, (1), 110–125. Retrieved from https://revista.ibrac.org.br/index.php/revista/article/view/87
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