Rewriting cade a proposal for the “feminist judgements” agenda in brazilian competition law

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Anna Binotto
Daniel Campos


The article seeks to analyze the potential of the “feminist rewritings” methodology in Brazilian competition law. Initially, we present an overview of the feminist rewriting methodology and of the gender debates in competition law. Subsequently, based on the literature review and analysis of CADE's past decisions, we investigate three legal issues in CADE’s recent case law in order to identify the potential of the feminist rewriting method in Brazilian competition law: (i) imposition of antitrust sanctions to individuals in non-managerial positions; (ii) impact of board diversity on anti-competitive conduct; and (iii) impact of family ties in antitrust enforcement. We conclude that the feminist rewriting methodology in competition law could illuminate hidden patterns and biases in decisions that do not immediately referto gender issues and could also demonstrate that feminist theories can be effectively applied in competition cases. We hope to initiate an agenda that incorporates a feminist perspective as a broader issue in competition law, not necessarily restricted to classic feminist themes.


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How to Cite
Binotto, A., & Campos, D. (2023). Rewriting cade: a proposal for the “feminist judgements” agenda in brazilian competition law. Revista Do IBRAC, (2), 254–277. Retrieved from
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Author Biographies

Anna Binotto

Bachelor of Law and PhD candidate in Commercial Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo. Previously, a visiting researcher at the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität in Munich. Associate lawyer at VMCA, in São Paulo. Coordinator of the Working Group on vertical mergers at Ibrac. Member of CECORE/OAB-SP. Project Manager at the Women in Antitrust – WIA network.

Daniel Campos

Master Corporate Law from the University of Cambridge and PhD candidate in Commercial Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo. Previously, a research fellow in law and economics at the University College of London. Researcher at São Paulo Law School (FGV).


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