Profile of potential exports affected by the Deforestation Act in Brazil

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Gustavo Madi Rezende
Verônica Lazarini Cardoso
Bernardo Riatto Perrotti


This article discusses the use of trade policy to meet environmental goals based on the deforestation act. It is argued that trade restrictions can play an important role in combating climate change. However, attention must be paid to which countries and individuals will bear these costs, since it is essential that sustainability policies do not represent an obstacle to the social development of countries. It is estimated that, for the Brazilian case, the number of products that would be exposed to the due diligence requirement when the European measure is in force, concluding that the value corresponds to approximately 1% of the national GDP. Furthermore, with data from the study by Pendrill and Persson (2020) it is estimated that, in 2017, more than 80% of Brazilian CO2 emissions from deforestation were caused by the analyzed commodities. Only 2.1% of these are due to sales to the
European Union. The presentation of such numbers indicates the ability of restrictions to combat deforestation, but indicates their insufficiency for this purpose, corroborating the need for policies to value forest stock. Also, such measures would make it possible to dilute the costs of preservation and promote the development of economically less favored nations.


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How to Cite
Rezende, G. M., Cardoso, V. L., & Perrotti, B. R. (2023). Profile of potential exports affected by the Deforestation Act in Brazil. Revista Do IBRAC, (2), 199–217. Retrieved from
Artigos para Revista do IBRAC
Author Biographies

Gustavo Madi Rezende

Diretor da área de Economia do Direito da LCA Consultores. Mestre em Teoria Econômica pelo IE/UNICAMP e economista pela FEA/USP. Relacionado em 2017 pelo Who’s Who Legal Future Leaders, da Global Competition Review

Verônica Lazarini Cardoso

Gerente de projetos da LCA Consultores. Graduada em Ciências Econômicas pela UFMG e mestre em Economia Aplicada pelo PPGE/UFJF.

Bernardo Riatto Perrotti

Bernardo Riatto Perrotti é economista na LCA Consultores. É graduado em Ciências Econômicas pela Faculdade de Economia e Administração da Universidade de São Paulo (FEAUSP).


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