Cláusulas de não-concorrência no direito concorrencial e trabalhista

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Bruno Polonio Renzetti


The paper arguments that covenant not to compete included in employment agreements should be scrutinized by the competition authorities in case some requirements are met. The recent probe started by CADE in the healthcare sector must be seen as an alert of the impact that such covenants may pose in the economic sectors in which they are present. The paper advocates for the revision of the mandatory merger submission form, by including specific wording requiring the merging parties to disclose potential impacts to relevant labor markets and the existence of non-compete agreements in their employment contracts.


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How to Cite
Polonio Renzetti, B. (2023). Cláusulas de não-concorrência no direito concorrencial e trabalhista. Revista Do IBRAC, (1), 68–87. Retrieved from
Artigos para Revista do IBRAC
Author Biography

Bruno Polonio Renzetti

LL.M. pela Yale Law School (2022). Doutorando em Direito Comercial pela Universidade de São Paulo, Mestre em Direito e Desenvolvimento pela FGV Direito SP (2018) e Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (2015). Professor em cursos de pós-graduação no IBMEC/SP e Insper. Non-Governmental Advisor na International Competition Network. Advogado. 


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