O retorno da política industrial da prática ao discurso e os debates econômico e jurídico
Main Article Content
Industrial Policy is making a resurgence, with both developed and developing countries openly embracing various measures. The objectives of this paper are: (i) to provide a non-exhaustive survey of the primary industrial policy measures adopted by developed countries (such as the USA and EU) and developing countries (like China and Brazil); (ii) to analyze the official US discourse accompanying the implementation of industrial policy measures in that country; and (iii) to assess the economic theory and the international economic law debate surrounding the revival of industrial policy. The economic theory debate examines justifications and experiences related to industrial policy, acknowledging its effects. However, proponents of this policy oscillate between a more conservative approach that emphasizes market incentives and a more assertive one that underscores the coordinating role of the state. The international economic law debate revolves around the role of the WTO in this evolving context, fluctuating between
an approach that highlights existing legal instruments and another advocating the necessity of broader reforms.
Article Details
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