Histórico e perspectivas do uso de instrumentos de alteração tarifária no brasil instrumentos de política comercial e/ou de política industrial?
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Brazil has a series of tariff change instruments, the regulation and application of which have seen constant improvement at the internal level and, at a slower pace, at the Mercosur level. Initially, they were considered classic trade policy instruments. However, its increasing use and dialogue with industrial policy measures in the country was also observed, with varying interests, objectives, and trends over the years. Although the previous Administration was characterized by broad tariff reductions, the prospects for the current Administration are still being developed – which is also signaled by the opening of a Public Consultation on a National Foreign Trade Strategy. The tariff increases already implemented under the current Administration, despite having been ostensibly publicized by the media, did not overshadow tariff reductions that were also implemented under the current Administration
under different instruments. In the period from 2011 to October/2023, reductions prevailed vis-à-vis tariff increases, mainly due to the use of LETEC. In summary, the history of tariff changes mapped in this article seems to indicate that, in practice, it is indifferent whether tariff policies are classified as commercial policies or industrial policies, considering that both seem to have been implemented in a complementary manner throughout of years.
Article Details
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