Finding the antitrust ‘codfish head’ how government subsidies can change the investigations of predatory pricing?
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The records show only one single case, in 1987, in which Brazilian antitrust authorities condemned predatory pricing. Under Law
12,529/2011, CADE has never convicted companies nor individuals in the several investigations undertaken. There is a mystic around predatory pricing in Brazil, being humorous called by “codfish head” of the antitrust. Is this the destiny of predatory pricing in Brazil? This paper challenges the many views in the sense that the accusations of predatory in Brazil to CADE are doomed to failure by presenting new developments in the international outlook, especially in Europe, concerning the concession of government subsidies. It is an innovative angle, we hope fresher, regarding this topic that aims at inspiring changes in the way that predatory pricing is currently persecuted in Brazil.
Article Details
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