Legal and economic interfaces between antidumping and competition policy

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José Tavares de Araujo Junior


The interaction between antidumping and antitrust is a polemic issue in every integration process for both legal and economic reasons. From a legal perspective, antidumping rules allow practices such as price undertakings and quantitative trade restrictions that may be forbidden by competition law, and punish certain types of price differentiation that are justifiable under the antitrust rules. From an economic viewpoint, the two policies pursue different objectives that eventually may lead to conflicting situations. Antidumping is a trade remedy for industries injured by import competition. The final goal of antitrust is to promote consumer welfare and productive efficiency, which in part depend upon market contestability, wherein import competition often plays a key role.


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Araujo Junior, J. T. de. (2025). Legal and economic interfaces between antidumping and competition policy. Revista Do IBRAC, 10(3), 27–44. Recuperado de
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